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Vitality Medical & Wellness Center and a Healthier You

General Health, Testing, Weight Loss

March 15, 2016 | 3 minute read

Healthy LivingDo you struggle to lose weight or destress your life? Are underlying health problems causing you to feel unhealthy and unhappy? Have you attempted to change your lifestyle in the past and failed? Chances are, you have been unsuccessful up to this point because you lacked proper training, diagnosis, and guidance. At Vitality Medical & Wellness Center, we are devoted to providing support and educating our patients to make them healthier. Read more to learn about the Vitality difference.  

We Believe… In a Healthier Life

At Vitality Medical & Wellness Center, we believe that a healthy life is a happy life. Your body’s health affects more aspects of your life than you probably realize. An unhealthy diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies, which in turn causes chronic problems like poor skin quality, irritable bowels, trouble sleeping, and much more. Being overweight can cause health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Chronic stress may cause insomnia, extreme weight gain or loss, and irritable moods. Developing and living a healthy lifestyle can have a significant impact on your happiness and satisfaction.

We Focus… On a Holistic Approach  

Our focus at Vitality Medical & Wellness Center is to provide care for the entire patient. Treating just the symptoms often results in temporary relief. Targeting the root causes of a problem and treating them from multiple angles can vastly improve a patient’s quality of life. We view patients as entire beings and seek to treat both physical and emotional unwellness that may be affecting them. We prepare you to lose weight, relieve stress, and improve the way you look and feel.

We Provide… Personalized and Comprehensive Health Care

Health care is not a one-size-fits-all practice. At Vitality Medical & Wellness, we provide the most personalized and comprehensive health care possible. Our team, led by Dr. Cristy Thomas, DNP, FNP-BC, APRN, is devoted to providing each patient with the attention and support they require. Dr. Cristy Thomas DNP, FNP-BC, APRN  prescribes and oversees all treatments. Not only do we provide physical treatments, but we also offer emotional and personal counseling to help you through your health care journey.

We Give… The Same Care We Would Give Our Families    

Every one of our patients is treated with respect and like family. Creating a safe and positive environment is an important part of providing patients with life-changing health care. Many treatments may involve dramatic lifestyle changes that require extensive support and encouragement. Our staff is focused on crafting an environment that helps all our patients succeed.  

We Offer… A Wide Variety of Treatments

We offer a wide variety of treatments and procedures to ensure that all of our patients’ needs are met. Multifaceted programs are designed to treat patients from different areas and to target a range symptoms. Many of our programs offered include one or more of the following:

If you are ready to see how the Vitality difference can help you live a healthier and happier life, schedule your consultation today. Contact our office at (702) 731-1200, or fill out our online contact form here for additional information.

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